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The Solfeggios

Solfeggio Frequencies

I have found very little research regarding the history of these tones. It is said they are like the Gregorian Chants of old. I have read that in that time Christian hymns were sung in these tones to help bring folks closer to their spirituality. Some time as usually happens when there are those that seek power to assuage their own ego, the tones were no longer pushed or taught to keep a handle on the freedom and abilities of those following the Word.

The tones are said to help bring you closer to your spiritual self, by opening gifts or talents latent in the mind. I found the following on youtube

Solfeggio Harmonics - 174 HZ - Foundation

Solfeggio Harmonics - 285 HZ - Quantum Cognition

Solfeggio Harmonics - 396 HZ - Liberation from Fear

Solfeggio Harmonics - 417 HZ - Transmutation

Solfeggio Harmonics - 528 HZ - Miracle

Solfeggio Harmonics - 639 HZ - Integrating Structures

Solfeggio Harmonics - 741 HZ - Consciousness Expansion

Solfeggio Harmonics - 852 HZ - Awakening Intuition

Solfeggio Harmonics - Numinous Accord 963 Hz

These have binaural beats and are best heard through head phones.

My personal opinion is to use these tones for meditation, and find the best results downloading to your MP3 or iPod as the tones are a bit clearer that way, but youtube is good too. Ground first and have your guide or goal in mind.  The best place I found for these tones is Source Vibration. 

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