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Weed Walk Invasive Garden

When we did our weed walk we started in the invasive garden. This garden has a mind of it's own. I've long given up trying to tame t...

Saturday, April 13, 2019

It's about balance

Most of you know I am a tax preparer and tax season is coming to a close. Things do get a little hectic, people fear the outcome of their returns and share those feelings. I rarely see those fears come to fruition, but still it is hard watching folks worry about an outcome that hasn't happened yet. It seems to me it is one of the things we tend to waste energy on often. It is a shame we don't have faith in our abilities or the fact that most times we can handle anything that comes our way. We are stronger than we know, and we really should honor that.
“A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because her trust is not on the branch but on it's own wings. Always believe in yourself” – Unknown
I love this saying and feel it is a great guide to looking at life. I tend to jump in with both feet and worry about the landing later. I am not sure this is the best way to go either, so now I seek balance. So I spend my days trying to keep that balance. Today I started out working on taxes and while waiting for information went outside and pulled some weeds. Came back in and worked some more until I needed more information. My next task was picking dandelions. While I was out there I was thinking on what a simple and enjoyable thing to do. I pick the flowers to make bath oils and I will also use the infused oils to color soaps. Dandelions have so much to offer, and they seem to be readily available in my lawn. The more you pick they more they bloom. I figure it's a survival thing to keep the hope they will seed out and produce more, which is fine with me! I use the leaves for a ingredient in a great cleansing tea, and the roots are great as a tea for the liver. Such a simple plant, and so many uses. I also found some wild lettuce I picked for drying and making an oil diffusion and a tincture for pain. It's hard to weed your garden when you find so many uses for so many "pesky" plants! Okay, well it's back to work for me, two more days of crunching numbers then a break to make some soaps, lotions and salves for the spring craft fairs. Life is good; good to be busy, good to be content and great to balanced!